Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little O's.

Every day for breakfast I have the same thing. Every single day, no fail. But as much as I love my daily routine of Natures Path pumpkin flax granola, rice puffs, banana, and vanilla soy milk, I felt the need to switch things up a bit.

Enter, Natures Path Whole O's (gluten free and organic). These little O's are made from corn and whole grain rice and, like all Natures Path products, no artificial preservatives or additives and made without harming the environment (or any animals). At first taste, dry straight out of the box, theyre much lighter than Cheerios... with a lot more crunch. But once you add milk (soy of course), I doubt anyone could tell the difference. I love them. And it was a much needed stepping out of the box, though I couldnt help but add a bit of granola, a banana, and soy milk. This may be the start of a new breakfast tradition.

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